Monday, March 21, 2011

March 14-18

Early in the week 3rd graders completed In-Class Work #2. This time  
they had the chance to use a map of San José. In the assignment,  
students had to give directions (either Cardinal or Intermediate, as  
appropriate) between locations in the San José metropolitan area.  
Hopefully the exercise provided students a chance not only to  
demonstrate their knowledge of Cardinal and Intermediate Directions,  
but to better familiarize themselves with their hometown.

Students scoring less than an 80 on the assignment were told to  
complete p. 19 in order to improve their In-Class Work #2 grade.

The 3rd grade class then moved on to Grids. After completing p. 22 as  
a class, students drew grids of their bedrooms, in which they had to  
locate and identify the location of four items (such as their bed,  
dresser, etc.). For example, after drawing their respective bedroom  
grids, students had to demonstrate their understanding of it by  
writing "My bed is in B2," "my desk is in C1," etc.

The week ended with an introduction of Indexes (p.23) followed by more  
grid practice (p. 24). One question on p. 24 demanded students know  
the difference between a "row" and a "column."

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