Thursday, June 23, 2011

June 13-17

We continued to wrap up our focus on geography,  
finishing up an In-Class work (timelines and line graphs) and moving  
on to our study of Brazil.

Following a lecture and mini-discussion, students read the two page  
sections, underlining words they did not know. These words were  
subsequently taught through peer and teacher explanation and through a  
paragraph on Brazil the teacher wrote on the whiteboard.

One group played a Brazilian game outside for part of a class ("Luta  
de Galo") in which they had to pull a string out from the side of  
their opponent's pants, while having their right hand across their  
chest and their left leg up in the air.

Complementing students' study of Brazil, 3rd graders completed a  
Homework in which they had to write sentences comparing/contrasting  
Costa Rica and Brazil, using an interview passage from Time for Kids.

One group was introduced to the concept of Critical Thinking, watching  
and discussing a five minute clip on "The Three Thinkers."

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