Tuesday, June 7, 2011

May 30-June 3

This week the 3rd grade class continued its work on graphs, moving on  
from Bar Graphs to Circle Graphs and Line Graphs.

The Circle Graphs lesson was introduced with the hypothetical question  
to the class of "how would you spend $1,000,000," with students having  
to divide the money into purchases--as they saw fit--that totaled 100%  
of the total. Next, to practice the skill, students completed the two  
pages of book exercises.

Line Graphs were another area of focus, with students learning the  
value of these graphs is to show trends or patterns, something that  
Bar Graphs and Circle Graphs fail to do.

The teacher introduced the lesson by drawing a Line Graph showing  
Inches of Rain/Per Month in Costa Rica. The teacher did this by  
soliciting students' help in estimating monthly rainfall.

Also this week students completed In-Class #2, which had them create a  
Bar Graph (of hours per week spent on three favorite activities) and a  
Circle Graph (on how they would spend $100).

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